Reducing Dis-Ease in America
MusicsEnergy: Reducing Dis-ease in America™ is an approach to teaching, learning and group therapy that helps young people improve their self and social awareness, critical thinking, decision-making, and self-regulation skills. This approach examines the roles of race, class, and gender have played and currently play in behavior and cultural norm. We address how these social constructions of “reality” are intricately linked to shared attitudes and beliefs, and behavior is addressed at the individual and group levels.
Over the course of five units of instruction, trained practitioners deliver instruction and facilitate social and emotional learning to improve health and wellbeing. We address socio-cultural and environmental factors that contribute to health, cause dis-ease, and impact healthy human development. Music and media are used as prompts to facilitate dialogue, teaching, learning, and self-reflection.
When implemented with fidelity, higher levels awareness, understanding and mindfulness are achieved resulting in measurable shifts in knowledge, skills, and the ability to make connections between the historical context of health and dis-ease, and the current manifestations in health, wealth, and wellness disparities in the United States and globally.
Additionally, practitioners and those they serve will observe higher levels of health and media literacy, self and social awareness and increasing knowledge, skills, and abilities to address social justice issues via the arts, education, entrepreneurship, science, technology. We address risks to one’s mental, social, emotional health linked to behavior, habits and risks. We also address social determinants of health and highlight protective factors.
The context in which violence, abuse, trauma, and aggression, including adaptive and maladaptive responses, is addressed.
In addition to our core instruction, enrichment and therapy, emphasis is placed on current dilemmas and calls for social justice by working to ensure a historically based, contextual understanding of the role history has played in contemporary manifestations of health, wealth, dis-ease and disparities in America.
For more details about RDA, including a detailed list of learning objectives and outcome measures, please contact us.